Friday, October 09, 2009

My New Office...


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Wow! Lot's of great stuff!
    A UFO lunchbox...never seen one of those before (although I have a Viewmaster reel of UFO). The box for the Space:1999 Eagle brings back memories (mine is long gone). Still have the little action figures of Helena, Koenig, amd Bergman? What's with the Eagles with green modules. Are those the Dinky versions?

  2. I like the shot of the cat lounging on the desk. I know whenever my cat wants attention/food he ends up walking across the keyboard on my laptop!

  3. Hey anonymous:

    I still do have the Space:1999 figures with my Eagles, though their spacesuit chestpacks have fallen apart. And those green eagles are Dinky editions, indeed!

    Hey JD: there's nothing like a cat to make your home office complete! I've got three cats lounging here, on my notes...


  4. Wow. I'd forgotten I even had that Avenger ship until I saw it on your site. Man I must have played with that thing forever. I have to believe you have a Six Million Dollar Man doll in there somewhere.

  5. BT:

    Thanks for writing and commenting on my office. There is indeed a Six Million Dollar Man, Mission Control Center and Bionic Woman Sports Car in the room; they are just out of frame!


  6. Word of warning John. After leaving my Six Million Dollar Man doll in the closet unused for quite some time as a kid, I found it again, and tried looking through his bionic eye. It wasn't working. Befuddled, I tried again. Still no luck. As I studied it a bit more carefully, I got the shock of my lifetime when suddenly a spider crawled out of the back of Steve Austin's head, out of the eyehole I had spent the past few minutes trying to peep through.

    Moral of the story? Play with your Steve Austin doll often enough that spiders don't take up residence in his skull.

  7. OMG! I want one of those! Great office, John.

    p.s., that's a BIG cat! What are you feeding it ;-)?

  8. Hey LeOpard13,

    Thanks for the compliment on my new digs.

    That's Lila lounging on the desk: one of my three cats.

    Believe it or not, she's actually the smallest of the brood...:)


  9. Great office, John!

    Thanks for sharing - we're all jealous of your toys! :)


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"