Saturday, May 30, 2009

Biggest Month EVER

Just a quick note to say a humble and sincere thank you to all of you for making May 2009 the biggest month EVER here on Reflections on Film and Television. The number of visitors this May was nearly double what it was for May of 2008, and this month even edged out July 2008 -- the month my X-Files: I Want to Believe -- sort of went viral.

So, my deepest deepest appreciation -- and don't stop coming...the best is yet to come.



  1. Congratulations JKM your blog has been awesome this year.Count me down as being strongly in favor of your new writing formula, the extensive reviews of movies like Jaws, Star Trek The Motion Picture, The Black Hole, Logan's Run, 300, Star Trek 2009, Godzilla.Those have been some of your best pieces and I like that you have bucked the current internet trend of short sarcastic posts with long non-snarky ones. Don't forget to keep us up to date on The House Between!

  2. Hey Lar,

    Thanks for the support. As soon as I have some news to report on The House Between, you'll see it here first.

    I'm looking forward to the third part of our interview being posted, too.



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"