Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Secret Coda of The House Between?

Film producer and scholar (not to mention T.S. Eliot biographer) Joseph Maddrey de-codes the mysteries and meaning of The House Between in the first installment of a fascinating three part series here.

Here's a snippet:

"The Secret History of the World begins with the oldest of philosophical questions: What came first – mind or matter? In The House Between, Bill T. Clark – a 20th century scientist – argues the case for matter. Astrid and Theresa – the former a follower of Western religious tradition, the latter a follower of Eastern religious traditions – argue the case for mind. Travis – a lawyer and outspoken capitalist – clearly falls on the side of materialism, while Arlo represents idealism. Over the course of three seasons, these characters struggle to work out this age-old quandary. Their story, in its own oblique way, tells the secret history of the world..."

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AF Episode 5: "The Doll"