Friday, June 20, 2008

Muir on The Allan Handelman Show Today

Hey everyone,

I'll be a guest live on The Allan Handelman Show today from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm, EST. You can find Allan here. He does a great show, and I've enjoyed my previous visits, where we've discussed everything from rock & roll movies to horror films of the 1980s, to monster movies. The show often includes live calls, which can be a really fun experience.

We'll be talking about a variety of topics from my writing career, including horror movies, 1960s genre television, and even my web production, The House Between. It's gonna be a great, eclectic time, so I hope you'll tune in.

I may also have another radio show announcement to make today. More on that soon...

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AF Episode 5: "The Doll"