Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Theme Song of the Week 12: The Powers of Matthew Star (1983)


  1. Anonymous7:11 PM

    The opening titles were the only exciting thing about the show! It made the show look as if it was effects-filled, when just the opposite was true. Articles in Starlog stated that the show's pilot was never shown. Maybe the pilot featured such "Return of the Jedi" style effects?

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Actually, the show's pilot was shown as the series' last episode. It was introduced by a voiceover from Lou Gosset as a sort of alternate take on the show.

  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Actually, the show's pilot was shown as the series' last episode. It had different supporting characters, and was introduced with a voiceover by Lou Gosset, Jr. describing it as kind of an alternate take on the show.


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