Monday, June 18, 2007

Library Journal likes Horror Films of the 1980s

Another great review just came in for Horror Films of the 1980s, this time from Library Journal.

Here's an excerpt:

Muir again plunges into the dark, following his Horror Films of the 1970s (McFarland, 2002), named an ALA Outstanding Reference Source in 2003. Appropriate to the so-called era of greed, he has this time added more of everything: films, background, appendixes, and critical analyses. Part 1 provides a concise, overarching summary of the decade's social and political climate; juxtaposed photos of President Ronald Reagan and A Nightmare on Elm Street's Freddy Krueger encapsulate the period's startling contradictions...A time line highlighting noteworthy current events accompanies each year and is followed by ample, witty, well-versed entries on films ranging from Poltergeist and Aliens to Cellar Dweller and Hide and Go Shriek...BOTTOM LINE: The summary in Part 1 would befit a college history lecture; the book as a whole is highly recommended..."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Glad we gave your book a positive review, but not surprising since you write good books.

    Haven't talked to you in a dog's age, man, how are ya?

    --Mike Rogers, LJ


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"