Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The House Between on Destinies: The Voice of Science Fiction

Hey everybody, I'll be returning to that stellar radio program, Destinies: The Voice of Science Fiction this Friday night, February the 23rd, at 11:30 pm, EST.

The stalwart host, Dr. Howard Margolin, and I will be discussing my new Internet series, The House Between. Howard's watched the first episode, "Arrived" and I'm looking forward to chatting with him about the series. Hope you've watched by now too. If not, check it out right now.

In the past, I've been on Destinies to discuss my original Space:1999 novel, The Forsaken, Horror Films of the 1970s, Terror Television and The Encyclopedia of Superheroes on Film and Television, but this will be my first appearance there as an editor/director as well as writer! So I'm really looking forward to the show, and hope you'll tune in.

You can catch the action on WUSB 901. FM, on Destinies, this Friday night right here. Don't forget.

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AF Episode 5: "The Doll"