Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Master Blaster...

My friend (and, according to some - my sidekick!), Lee dubbed the Joel/grown-up combo "Master Blaster" recently, and given this gear, I'm going with that as our nickname.

Notice the radiant light behind us. No, it's not camera flash, it's the glow of ascendent fatherhood and brilliant Joelster! Little Joel's already giving me editing advice...


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Who run Bartertown?

  2. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Two enter, only one leaves!!!!!

  3. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Nice touchy-feely, left-wing, hippie parenting device their Muir! I love you anyways!

    -Wat Tambor


40 Years Ago: V: The Final Battle (1984)

V: The Final Battle  (1984) is the second production in the  V  saga, and it originally ran for a whopping six hours over three nights, May ...