Monday, June 06, 2011

The Cult-TV Faces of: The Caveman

Identified by Will: The Adventures of Superman: "Through the Time Barrier"

Identified by Nate Yapp: Fred Flintstone, The Flintstones (1959)

Identified by Nate Yapp: Doctor Who: "The Unearthly Child."

Identified by Hugh: It's About Time (1966). Joe E. Ross and Imogene Coca.

Identified by Will: Lost in Space, "The Space Primevals."

Identified by Will: The Morgs in "Spock's Brain," from Star Trek.

Identified by Sci-Fi Fanatic: Valley of the Dinosaurs (1974)

Identified by Meredith: Space: 19999 "The Full Circle"

Identified by Hugh: Richard Kiel in Land of the Lost, "Survival Kit."

Identified by Will: Korg (Jim Malinda) in Korg, 70,000 BC (1974).

Identified by Nate  Yapp: Captain Caveman (1977)

Identified by Nate Yapp: Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer (Saturday Night Live)/Phil Hartman.

Identified by Sci-Fi Fanatic: The X-Files: "Jersey Devil."

Identified by Will: Star Trek Voyager: "Basics" (Part I)

Identified by Lonestarr357: Cave Guy from Freakazoid (1995 -1997).

Identified by Nate Yapp: Ben Browder in Farscape's "My Three Crichtons"

Identified by Nate Yapp: Sarah Michelle Gellar in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Beer Bad"

Identified by Nate Yapp: the Geico caveman, in the 2007 TV spin-off "Cavemen"


  1. #2 is Fred Flinstone, "The Flinstones"

    #3 is, if I'm not mistaken, from the original Doctor Who serial, An Unearthly Child, although I'd be hard-pressed to recall their names (it's not a very good episode)

    #11 is Captain Caveman from various Hanna-Barbera series, not least of which was Laff-a-lympics.

    #12 is Phil Hartman as Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer on Saturday Night Live

    #16 is Ben Browder as Caveman Crichton in the Farscape episode "My Three Crichtons"

    #17 is Sarah Michelle Gellar as Cave Buffy from Beer Bad on Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    #18 is from those Geico commercials and the short lived spin-off Cavemen.

  2. Nate:

    Extraordinary identifications, my friend. And every one of 'em is absolutely correct. Whoo-hoo. You took those seven images (2, 3, 11, 12, 16, 17, and 18) right off the board. Great job!


  3. Anonymous7:32 AM

    #8) Space:1999, 'The Full Circle'


  4. Hi Meredith!

    That's right, #8 is from the Year One 1999 segment, "The Full Circle." Great job!


  5. John

    I'm going to give it a shot.

    #7 The wonderful Valley Of The Dinosaurs?

    #13 The X-Files, Season One, The Jersey Devil.


  6. #4 Comes from It's About Time.

    #9 is Richard Kiel from Land of the Lost


  7. More excellent identifications of these cavemen images!

    SFF: Well done, sir! Image #7 is indeed from the cartoon "Valley of the Dinosaurs" (1974), and yes, image #13 is from The X-Files Season One story "The Jersey Devil." Outstanding job!

    Hugh: You also nailed two toughies here. Image #4 comes from the 1966 sitcom "It's About Time" starring Imogene Coca (pictured), and #9 is Richard Kiel (Jaws...) from a third season Land of the Lost episode entitled "Survival Kit."

    Excellent job, SFF and Hugh.


  8. 15 - Cave Guy on "Freakazoid!"

    Funny thing about #4: the only reason I know of "It's About Time" is because I heard the theme song on one of those Tee Vee Tunes compilation albums. ("It's about time/it's about space/about strange people in the strangest place...")

  9. Lonestarr357:

    Man! I wondered if anyone was going to recognize Cave Guy from "Freakazoid!" Excellent job identifying that gallery picture.

    And I'm on the same page with you regarding "It's About Time." I love the theme song, and frequently sing it to my four year old son (much to his dismay...).

    You rock!


  10. 10 is Korg from Sat Morning TV

  11. 6 are the Morgs from Spock's Brain, Star Trek TOS

  12. Will:

    Impressive, my friend! Most impressive. You are right on both counts. Image 10 is Jim Malinda as Korg in Korg, 70,000 BC (1974), and those are the Morgs in image 10, from "Spock's Brain on Star Trek.



  13. #5, that weird Victrola trumpet the caveman was listening too gave me a Lost In Space vibe. Sure enough it's from The Space Primevals

  14. Will -- You are AMAZING! That is indeed Lost in Space, "The Space Primevals." Very well done.

    Now how about # 14? :)



  15. 14. I'm getting flashes of Star Trek Voyager

    1. Adventures of Superman ???

  16. Will:

    Fantastic! You just finished off this edition of "cult-tv faces of..."

    The image #1 is from The Adventures of Superman in 1957, "Through the Time Barrier."

    And image #14 is indeed from Star Trek Voyager: "Basics" Part I.

    Great job, Will.


  17. It appears I have repressed TV memories that need a lot to come out


70 Years Ago: The Naked Jungle (1954)

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